6 Spa in Koh Samui

Last updated: 24 Feb 2020  |  2741 Views  | 

6 Spa in Koh Samui

In addition to the tourist attractions in Koh Samui, the spa is also a relaxing place. Ko Samui Pool Villas have collected 6 spas near Ko Samui Pool Villa.
Let's see!!
1. Nikki Beach Resort & Spa, Koh Samui
Travel time from Koh Samui Pool Villa is 45 minutes. 
2. Anodas Spa
Travel time from Ko Samui Pool Villa is approximately 10 minutes.
2.5 km from the accommodation
3. Melati Spa
Travel time from Koh Samui Pool Villa is approximately 8 minutes,
approximately 2.5 km from the accommodation.

4.Muang Samui Spa Resort
Travel time from Ko Samui Pool Villa is approximately 15 minutes,
approximately 6.2 km from the accommodation.
5.Let's Relax Spa - Koh Samui
Travel time from Ko Samui Pool Villa is about 15 minutes, approximately 6.6 km from the Ko Samui Pool Villa.
6. Eranda Spa
It takes about 10 minutes to travel from Ko Samui Pool Villa,
approximately 4.8 km from the Ko Samui Pool Villa

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